Mike Carpenter

Filmmaker / Videographer

Hiking Oregon Beach

About four years ago I discovered I had a love for filmmaking, adventure, and telling stories. And like the Japanese artist Hokusai, the old man mad about drawing, I am mad about filmmaking. I have learned a lot the past years, and have experimented continuously.

I usually make videos about whatever appeals to me or captures a story. My main interest however is in nature, and the adventures that are usually associated with it.

Years ago I contacted the author Barry Lopez about becoming a natural history writer. He responded and said, "More important than anything is getting out into the woods -- up into the Wasatch, west into the desert, up to the refuge at Bear Lake -- and paying close attention there to everything you see. Knowledge gained in this first-hand, empirical way will take on special meaning for you, and give you a sense of where you are going in life."

And so it has.

Hopefully I can do the same and inspire you to get out into the woods!